Now that we have started to rely on food delivery apps, there is no going back. Over the years, we have experienced firsthand how easy it is to order food through apps. They have made it incredibly easy for us to order food. On days when we can even barely get through the day, food delivery apps are what come in handy. The features of the food delivery app give users a smooth ordering experience. 

People have increasingly started to lean toward food delivery apps, and hence they are growing in number. They prefer having their food delivered through the food delivery apps, as it is convenient. With a few taps, users can order food. They do not have to worry about having to wait in queues. Also, there is no pressure to make reservations at a restaurant or drive through traffic to reach the place. All you have to do is choose the food and restaurant from your food delivery app and wait for your order to be delivered, which usually takes only a few minutes. 

Food Delivery Market: A Booming Business Sector

If we look at the facts, they, too, suggest the fast pace at which the food delivery market is growing. The year 2020 saw immense growth than its previous years. The pandemic that hit that year is a reason for the shift. Since then, the food delivery market has been growing. In the coming years, too, there will be a steady increase in the number of users relying on food delivery apps. According to data and reports, the market will reach US$1.65 trillion by 2027. 

Though many apps are flooding the market, with the correct strategies and crucial features of the food delivery app, a food delivery business can look to place itself in a better position than its competitors. Here you will find some of the vital features of the food delivery app. 

Essential Features of the Food Delivery App

A food delivery app must meet all the requirements of users. For it to be successful, the features of the food delivery app must be what users expect. With the features of the food delivery app, users should be able to order food effortlessly. 

A food delivery app must include all the necessary parts to facilitate easy ordering. Let us look into some of the unique features of the food delivery app. 

Customer App Features

Order Scheduling

This feature allows users of a food delivery app to order in advance. If they want food delivered not immediately but later, this option helps them. This option might especially be beneficial if you feel you may forget to make an order later. If people visit you later and you want to order for them without making them wait, this option will be helpful. 

Reorder Option

Sometimes we may not want to try anything new and stick to our usual comfort food. In such cases, this option allows users to order what they ordered previously. Users can reorder the same in a single click without going through the menu. They can also use this option to view their last order. 

Customizable Menus

Users can customize their food when they make orders on the app. Customers can state their preferences, add-ons, etc. According to this, the restaurant prepares the food. It provides a satisfactory experience to the customers. 


When users use the app to order, they get suggestions for what they might find interesting. This feature helps customers select their food when they are unable to decide. The food delivery app comes with analytic tools that aid in choosing based on their previous preferences and the general trend in online ordering at a given time. 

Restaurant Panel Features

Order Management

When a customer makes an order from a restaurant, the restaurant should be able to manage it effectively. Restaurants receive notifications whenever customers order. This option also lets restaurants view if an order is complete or canceled, or out for delivery. It is vital in helping restaurants manage their orders.  

Content Management

Restaurants offering menus on the app for customers to order from should be able to manage them. It helps customers with ordering. This option enables restaurants to conveniently manage other segments like pricing, special offers, deals, etc. 

In-app Chat Feature

It is one of the essential features of the food delivery app. It enables restaurants to notify partners about the status. This option lets them know if or not the food is ready to be delivered. In addition, they can also contact customers to enquire regarding their orders and clarify if need be. 

Analytics Report

It is one of the standout features that is highly beneficial for the restaurant. Restaurants can view their sales and performances. They can also view their weekly and monthly earnings. Reports help them understand more about their income and measure their investment performance.   

Delivery Partner Features

Order Management

Delivery partners start receiving requests to deliver orders once they register with the food delivery app. This feature lets them efficiently manage orders that they receive. They can choose to accept or reject an order depending on their availability. Delivery partners can also view order details like food ordered, price, mode of payment, delivery address information, etc. 

Earning Reports

Delivery partners receive a commission for taking food from restaurants and delivering it to customers. This option helps them track how much they have earned in a particular period. It is one of the essential features for delivery partners. It is helpful for them to understand and manage the income they receive. 

Delivery Partner Profile and Account History

Delivery partners can register and easily create profiles with their details. Account history enables them to view their completed deliveries. They can also see other information like food type, delivered locations, etc. This option helps delivery partners keep track of all the orders they receive through the app. 

In-app Chat/ Call

Another vital feature of the delivery partners’ app is the in-app chat/ call feature. The food delivery app with an effective communication channel for delivery partners serves many purposes. It enables them to update the customer about the status of the order. Similarly, to let the restaurant know if they are on their way to pick up the order. Likewise, this option also enables them to call customers to clarify doubts regarding their order or address. 

Bottom Line

There is an increasing demand for food delivery apps, for more and more people are using them to order food. If you have considered starting a food delivery business and are looking to partner with the right ones who can deliver what you expect and more, you have reached the right place. We help personalize the app according to your preferences.

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