Uber is one of the top companies when it comes to online taxi booking services. Uber is currently operating in more than 63 countries, 785 cities around the world. Uber operates on both mobile and website platforms. Uber offers peer-to-peer ridesharing, online food delivery, etc. Uber cab is estimated to have more than 110 million riders all around the world. Uber app features are consistently updated to meet the driver’s and the rider’s requirements. Major online taxi booking business companies like Uber, Lyft, Grab, and Gojek are making billions of dollars in it. The online taxi booking business model has inspired lots of entrepreneurs to start a business like Uber. According to a recent survey, 30% of startups are looking to start their business like Uber.
Top 10 Uber App Features that every online taxi booking app should have are listed below.
- Ride Later
- Promo Codes
- Invite Friends
- God’s View
- Heat Map
- Peak Hours Pricing
- Live Taxi Meter
- Call Masking
- Carpooling / Share Taxi
- Ratings and Reviews
Ride Later:
Ride Later is one of the important features of a taxi booking app. It allows a rider to book a cab for future purposes. A rider can book a car according to their wish with a specific date, time, and place.
Promo Codes:
It is an option, where the admin can offer discounts to both the driver and rider. This option helps to bring lots of customers to the product.

Invite Friends:
A rider can invite their friends to the app. In the successful invite, the corresponding rider can make money with it. From an admin perspective, it brings lots of new customers to the app. From the rider perspective, they can make money with it. It is a win-win situation for both admin and rider.
God’s View:
This feature allows the admin to search for a driver location. Admin can search a driver using their car type, driver name, and location. After completion, the location of the driver will be visible to the admin. It is helpful in case of any emergencies.

Heat Map:
Heat map points out the locations with most activity by the driver and the rider. These activity areas are indicated in orange color. It helps the admin to analyze the places with more activity.

Peak hours pricing:
One of the important features of a taxi booking app. This option lets the admin increase the fare price based on the riders’ traffic details.
Live Taxi Meter:
The latest feature of a taxi booking app, it estimates the fare amount by calculating the distance from the starting point to the destination point. It lets the rider know the fare details before starting a trip.
Call Masking:
Call masking is a security feature that every taxi booking app should have. This option masks the phone number of both the rider and the driver. It protects the privacy of both rider and rider.
Carpooling / Share Taxi:
Carpooling or Share taxi is an option to share their ride with the other riders. By using the carpooling option, the rider can save the fare amount. Most importantly, it reduces pollution, toll fee, cab fare, etc.
Ratings and Review:
The one feature that lets the rider and driver to improve themselves. After the completion of a trip, both the driver and rider can rate and review each other. If a driver has a poor review, behavior then the admin can ban that corresponding driver from the app.

How much it costs to develop an Uber-Like App? With all the Uber App features.
Uber clone products are what most startups are looking for you. If you are looking to start a business like Uber then you can use a uber clone script to do it. Generally, a uber clone with all Uber App features in it can cost around $1,000 to $1,00,000. If you are looking for a cost-effective and best uber clone script then RebuStar is the best in the business. RebuStar product has all the Uber app features present in it and it can be customized easily. RebuStar has panels for all the stakeholders and available in both platforms Android and iOS.
For Contact:
Skype: Abservetech
WhatsApp No: +91 98425 67828
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